by michael brandon
My name is Michael Brandon. I came across your website in the google search engines.
I really like the format of your website and the information is fantastic.
As I am in the same niche as you I was wondering if you would be interested in a business partnership. I too have a self-help web site which you can check out at
I currently offer 65% commission on every total $335.88 sale that you make over a 12 month period by sending visitors to the web site. This means for the trial price of the first two audio products will only be $5.99 and eleven payments of $29.99 for the following months. I am also happy to promote any of your sites via a direct link in the download area of my web site.
I feel that my product is a perfect match for your subscribers and customers and know that we can create a mutually beneficial promotion for both ourselves and your list. If you like I can send you a copy of the program so you can see the high quality you will be providing your list with.
If you would be interested please email me on this address or you can contact me directly on 07930949145.
Whether you decide to answer this email or not thank you for your time and the information on your web site.
Kind regards
M Brandon
P.S your website really caught my eye, I really enjoyed reading through the information.