Anxiety disorder.

by Erich

I have an anxiety disorder any help at all?

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Dec 16, 2009
psychological shift
by: Celine Crotty

It's all in your mind! To manifest something, simply hold an image of what you seek in your mind. And express gratitude to the Universe for having granted this to you. You must believe it and have unwavering faith and devout gratitude, and your anxiety disorder will disappear. Our thoughts dictate what we attract. e.g. you say you have an anxiety disorder. This response is responsible for programming your current result. If you don't like this current result in your life, then you need to change your thoughts. That's all the Law of Attraction is about. We attract into our lives what we think about. e.g if you worry about debt, you will get more debt. And if you "fear" anything, you are giving the Devil access into your life. These are Negative emotions that we should avoid.

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