In order to be successful we need to start to focus on the benefits of quitting smoking. As previously mentioned, when the pain of smoking becomes greater than the pleasures of smoking, we will quit.
Obviously this is your life and it is your responsibility to seek the benefits, but here are a few to get you going, in order of time from when you quit.
20 minutes Blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.
8 hours Oxygen levels in the blood return to normal, nicotine and carbon dioxide levels reduce by 50%.
24 hours Carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body, lungs begin to clear mucus and debris.
48 hours All nicotine is eliminated from the body, sense of smell and taste greatly increase.
3-9 months Coughing and wheezing reduces, lungs function improves by 10%
5 years Risk of heart attack is reduced by 50%.
10 years Risk of lung cancer falls to 50% of that of a smoker, heart attack risk is that of a non smoker.
All information is from the NHS
As you can see the positive health benefits are incredible. This is not to mention the financial benefit. Approximately £15,000 will be saved by the average person over a 10 year period.
Take some time and really investigate all the possible ways you can benefit. The time invested will be well worth it.