Building Self Confidence. Learn The Secrets

The core of building self confidence, happiness or any other area of personal development is without any shadow of a doubt, the development of a strong belief or value system. Confidence is like the visible part of an iceberg, it is the part we see and identify with, similarly to the iceberg, confidence is also only the tip. Beneath the surface, is the main body that actually supports and holds the visible. Building self esteem and confidence requires a strong root system so that you are able to withstand the storms that are inevitably going to come. The roots provide food and nutrients to feed all the necessary functions that will go into providing you with a happy and fulfilled life.

These roots are your belief system. It is therefore critical that you give your best attention to this task.

So what is a belief system? In some respects that’s an obvious question, it’s what you hold to be true! It’s also far more than that. Your belief system is like an internal compass, it guides you, makes decisions, determines levels of success or failure, it essentially determines who you are.

We all have a belief system. That is not in question. What is in question is did you choose this belief system, or was it given to you by someone or something else? More than likely probably a little of both. If however you are to reach your goal of building self confidence then you must take some time now and evaluate these beliefs.

This evaluation can basically be summed up with one question “who am I?”

To not know who you are is to be lost. To find true happiness whilst lost is impossible! You must have a very strong sense of identity if you are to succeed. You must clearly know the answer to this question. Better questions get better answers.

Let us ask a few and get the ball rolling.

Building Self Confidence By Asking Better Questions

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