Let's look at some simple things we can do to lessen depression and in particular, one method that is very effective. This is going to be our use of language. We just cannot underestimate the power that language and words have upon ourselves and others. Think about that for one moment. If we use hostile, aggressive words toward another person, we will upset them, change their mood or even temporarily depress them, all of this with no more than a few words. Likewise, a few pleasant words can brighten somebody’s whole day like rays of sunshine pouring out of our mouths. Powerful things are words.
So, if our words have this effect on others, do we not think that they have the same effect on us? Does our own self talk not impact us in the same way? Well of course is the answer. Quite often we find ourselves speaking to ourselves in ways that we would never allow another to speak to us. We must stop this.
This is step one, never speak to yourself in a way that you would not allow another to speak to you. We are creating an internal environment that just does not support happiness in anyway when we do this. If in our work place, everybody is hostile and degrading, is that going to be a work place where you can be happy and flourish? No is the answer. Well this is essentially what we are doing with ourselves, creating an awful place for us live in terms of our internal world.
Be aware of the fact that we teach others how to treat us in accordance with how we treat ourselves. This is very important. If we are essentially emotionally abusive towards ourselves, not only are we giving a green light for others to treat us in the same way, but subconsciously we are inviting it and sending out the signal that this is what we want. This behavior is subconscious and few will agree that we ask for our woe, but when we behave in this way we do. If you engage in behavior and self talk that leads to depression, others will treat you in that same way that leads to that same result. A very nasty circle has been made complete.
When we start to change from within, then the world without begins to change also. Changing your self talk is the quickest way to do this. There are many issues wrapped up in this like self esteem, self worth and all kinds of other factors relating to general self image that certainly need to be addressed; this is not a one stop shop solution, it is a part of a bigger plan. Overcoming depression naturally will take a little time, we have to change the way we think and change our habits, but with dedication and determination it can be done.