Every day pain of loneliness?


I have no real friends and No family,I am a smart good looking 30yr old guy that everyone likes. Yet I am in severe pain 24/7 from,? I'm not relly sure what I'm feeling or what I can do to make it better.

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May 07, 2011
loneliness or unfulfilment?
by: Brian (UK)

I understand. Sometimes you can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely.

Well here are some points that come to mind:

*You say people like you, but that you have no real friends. Well perhaps you need to be more bold in approaching these people and instigating something or involving yourself more in their activities. Make a fun suggestion and people will be on board, try it.

*Perhaps you need to start engaging in different activities, like sport, or some community group, interest group etc

* Maybe its not loneliness you are feeling but a sense that you are not living your life purpose? Ask yourself what drives you? What are you passionate about? and immerse yourself in those activities, aim to meet like-minded people that will naturally connect with you, this is how close friendships are made in a short amount of time.
The internet is a great tool...use it to research it what's going on in your city.

*Think about how you can fill your life with more meaningful activities...if you are happy within yourself, people will be drawn to you!

Hope that helps...cheers!

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