I Want To Stop Masturbating

I am 16 years old, male, and I am addicted to masturbation and I want to stop. Please don't ask me to confront my parents about this as I know that they will be extremely disappointed in me. We have talked about this before and they weren't happy about it.

I haven't told them that I still masturbate. Also, please don't go about telling me that it is completely normal as I still want to stop. This has been going on for several years now and although I am not very religious, I don't want to continue committing this sin. Please help

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Aug 08, 2009
Avoid stimulation
by: Cody

Hi there,I am not sure that I really have an answer to your question apart form this. The only thing that I can suggest is that you do your very best to avoid any kind of material that might stimulate you.

Porn, movies, magazines and internet etc are all going to stimulate the desire. It simply is a natural desire that you have and you're probably not going to be able to get rid of that, the best you can do is to minimize it by being very careful as to what you allow into your head, then apply will power.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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