Keep It Spontaneous

by K C

It's hard to conjure up those same feelings you had when you first start a relationship -- there are less butterflies and weak knees after a while and you start get too comfortable with them (in that you both become lazy and less effort is put into the relationship).

If you think back to how you first started, you probably loved spending every minute you could together. Usually, people start out with flirty notes, texts, emails, banter, etc. You start wanting to hang out or spend time together every minute that you can. You find joy in doing the most random of things with the other person just so you can have company. It's all great and it's something that gets lost in the months and years of long-term relationships.

Keep things spontaneous or change things up. Do things you loved to do with that person to bring back great memories. Surprise the other person with something thoughtful or even random. Remind them of how much you love them. Compliment each other often. Dress up and go out once in a while. Let them know how much you appreciate them. Send texts or messages letting them know you're thinking about them. Never stop loving them. =D

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