
I feel really paranoid but I don't know whether it is really paranoia, jealousy or something more. Theres this guy I like and we talk a lot and have been involved for some time now, however whenever this other girl is around he goes and talks to her and it makes me feel like he just talks to me when she isn't there. Am I being paranoid or what?

I have asked him a million times and he says he doesn't fancy her plus she has a boy friend. Anyway he does talk to me when she's there and we go out on some weekends and have been doing 'stuff' but I just cant help but doubt everything even though he's said 'she's not right for me and we're just friends.

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Nov 05, 2008
HE is NOT for YOU.
by: Anonymous

You must think that if she's free, he shall be there for her right away, is it?

I would leave him free for her, if I were you. If that above said is what you feel like.

But you must be convinced that this is the right thing to be done.
He may be maddly in love with her (???), or he may become much closer to you - this way, letting him free, you shall see.

Or probably he just wants to make you jealous, or he LOVE to flirt with girls (but you say just about a particular ONE) - anyhow, these cases, once again show HE is not The One for YOU!

This is Me!

Sep 04, 2008
by: Anonymous

Maybe? Why don't you ask him? Tell him how you feel. Tell him how his actions are making you feel. It's tough but it what's needed if a relationship is going to last. You have to be able to talk about these things.

Just do it in a non threatening way, don't make accusations, Say something like it's probably silly but I kinda feel... If you get a hostile reaction your probably right. If it's not true he should just be cool with it and reassure you.

Best of luck with this.

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