Quit smoking after 17 years!
by sonja
I was able to quit smoking after 17 years.
How did I do it? I Hang around an addict for about a year, and sure enough you will see how ugly addiction is. It easy to not see how bad smoking and addiction is when you are in the middle of it. When you do though hopefully you will decide you no longer want to allow something to have that much power of you! I have not smoked a cigarette since then, that was 3 years ago.
Everybody says the same and it's true, you have to really want it. It's not about trying either. People don't say, I'm going to try and go clean the kitchhen, they say I'm going to clean the kitchen and do it. By saying your going to try to quit, you somewhere have doubt in your mind, and are already setting yourself up for failure. Just QUIT, don't try to!
It's not easy but if you make up your mind that's what you really want to do and commit to doing it you will quit smoking.