Most know of the law of Attraction, so why are so few able to successfully use it to attract their dream relationships? Learn some of the blocks and how to overcome this to have all you desire.
Many of us are seeking relationships or that special somebody, that one person who will stay with us the rest of our lives. So why, if most, if not all are looking for somebody, and we essentially all want the same thing, is it so difficult to find?
It should be easy, shouldn’t it? Well here lies the answer. Generally speaking it is our experience of the past that stops us from having what we want in the present.
Pretty much any past experience, with a few exceptions, was not successful. For whatever reason, it ended. It did not ultimately turn into that one life long experience we all dream about. Agreed? So if we think about these past experiences in this way, then we are focusing on something that was unsuccessful. Remember the Law of Attraction returns to us whatever thoughts we hold in our mind. If we are consistently focusing on a failed relationship or something that is no more, then this is what we will manifest.
Our past experience becomes our present reality. We may well be thinking about a successful relationship, but are mixing those intentions with thoughts of unsuccessful relationships. The result, mixed results at best, probably no results.
So here’s what we have to do to overcome it. We don’t have to erase those experiences from our mind, we just have to change the way we think about them, so here are a few tips.
Never think, or talk of yourself as a victim. If you were treated horribly, cheated on, beaten or abused, whatever, you will attract it again if that is your focus. Don’t think about it, don’t talk about it. You must have good thoughts about what you want at all times if you hope to achieve a great relationship. If you were in a non conventional situation, view yourself as a student, not a victim. Turn it into a growing experience, one that strengthened you, not weakened you. Continuously holding negative thoughts and mixing them with thoughts of what you want sends a signal of intent saying this is what you want from a situation. Nobody intends this, it’s quite accidental, but does keep us out of a healthy experience, or any experience at all quite often.
Never think of past experiences as bad. They weren’t, they were necessary to bring you to a point where some lesson needed to be learned. Say things like “I’ve had some fantastic relationships in the past”, “I’ve been blessed to be involved with some incredible people”. Really look for those experiences and focus on them. There had to be something good for you to want it again! Remember what we think about we manifest. If you are constantly thinking of bad experiences, guess what? More are on their way.
So that’s a start, best of luck. If you have any questions, please submit them through the contact page and every effort will be made to answer them.
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Over come long term relationship Not rated yet Hello, it was nice to read your article because am desprately looking for an advice.. I've been in a relationship for more than 5 years, you could imagine …