Should I see someone professional?

by dawn wilson

I have always had sleeping problems but here lately they have been getting worse...I'm always wondering or worrying to much about whats going to happen too me because well I'm over weight I just recently found out I had a thyroid disorder it gave me some relaxing room to know why I wasn't loosing weight I know i have a medical condition but i can't help but wonder why i keep having bad thoughts of cutting myself and thinking of why I'm so big I really don't discuss these issues with me family do you think I should consider getting professional help?

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Dec 16, 2009
Psychological Shift
by: Celine Crotty

We have this natural urge to stay consistent with who we believe we are, whether its good or bad.So if you have an identity of being an over-weight person, then the toughest thing is to change your identity, its not just going on a diet or seeing a professional. How do you deprogram from that negative reinforcement? The first thing is to be conscious of it. Not just your words but your thoughts. Whenever you think you are overweight, say to yourself, you are thin, underweight! After you have said this 1000 times, you will actually see how thin you are. Because you will have changed your internal programming. The reality is, we all have the exact same God-given ability to achieve success, but most people live with excuses.Those are lies we use,to stay small to not have to push ourselves.To quote W. Clement Stone,"Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve". Try it!

Dec 14, 2009
Seek Intervention
by: Cody

Yes, I think if you are seriously considering self harm, it's time to seek professional intervention.

I think it's important that you speak with somebody and if you can't speak with your family a professional might be a good idea.

All the best,

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