Well rounded growth cannot be complete without a study into spirituality. Our gateway to understanding others is understanding ourselves.
Well rounded personal development isn’t complete without paying some attention to spirituality. As human beings we are composed of our mind, our body and our spirit. Each has to be tended to and cared for.
Our body must be exercised and maintained, fed and watered. Our mind must be expanded and grown continually through knowledge and education. Like wise, our spirit needs to be developed through connection and relationship. If we are negligent in any one of these areas, we will ultimately achieve less than we are capable of.
Happiness, joy, love and peace all require continuous growth. We can never stop growing. All things with life in them are either growing or dying, there is no in between.
We attract to us what we are,
if we are growing life, then we will attract more life. The same is true in reverse.
A study of spirituality connects us first with ourselves, and then with others. We are all one, we are all the same. By virtue of this we learn that we cannot help another without helping ourselves and we cannot hurt another without hurting ourselves. When we understand this we learn the
value of contribution.
To be selfless and to be selfish become the same. When we understand that actually when we give something away we are in fact receiving it you see that the more we give the more we have. Most don’t understand this, to get what they desire they take it, but remember, when we take, we take from ourselves, we become poorer. We can be selfish, that is fine, an understanding of spirituality allows us to do it in a way that actually creates more life for all in the process. A win win situation.
I’m not encouraging selfishness here at all, don’t misunderstand. I am simply saying that we can have all we want, and we can have it in such a way that benefits all. If we attain our selfish desires in the right way, we can receive what it is that we want in good conscience and know that we have contributed to others in the process.
The universe is a place of infinite abundance and there is more than enough for all. We must aim to develop an abundance conscience and never see things in terms of lack.
This is a huge subject and cannot be tackled in one or two short articles, follow the links on the page for more information on spirituality and some practical principles we can apply to our lives immediately.
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Intrigued, flabbergasted, enthralled and excited! Not rated yet For the past two years an awareness of spirit occurred, after attempted denial of its existence within this universe. Lost, fearful, unaware of the totality …