Why Is He So Selfish, Please Help!!!

by Ella

Why is he so selfish? please help!
I don’t know if he is being lazy.. I know he loves me very much, he always shows me he loves me.
I am always ready to make love, I love sex! But he doesn’t seem to excite me as much as he did, he doesn’t try to make me happy in bed… I always give him oral sex (he loves when I do) but when is on me he does it, but its very rare… he said to me he was sorry for being selfish..

I get so angry and I think I am going to stop being always ready for him. What should I do? He always wants to make love WHEN he wants it, NOT when I want… and he doesn’t do what I want, but I always do what he wants..
What should I do to make things better? I have spoken to him about it, I told him he is selfish, but he doesn’t do anything about it. Should I start to ignore him?

I am 23 and he is 30

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Sep 04, 2008
Mirror His Behaviour
by: Anonymous

Ok, the best way to deal with this is to mirror his behavior back to him. Don't be difficult just do what you want to do when you want to do it.

That's fair enough isn't it? How can he complain, he's set the standard for how to behave himself. Don't make a point of this, don't even bring it up, just do it, make it about you for a while.

Let him bring it up, when he does just gently show him how what he now doesn't like is what he's been doing all along. Really avoid accusations or finger pointing here. The goal here is for him to realize by himself how he's making you feel, he probably won't like being told.

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