by Simply_i
Here you are with ALL the good advice, as like you were there, and did that. I was ... so close I could be in Heaven long before now.
You may be saved for a moment(s), and back then again.
You may think sometimes it will never end, and it is most probably NOT, IF you don't get (I got it) some HELP from YOURSELF, the first & the last.
Yes, you have to have that decision, to cure yourself, even if it is hard.
I've cut that link the first of November (4 days ago) 2008, said STOP, and here I am without any other tear.
It is possible to cure yourself! You just to WANT it, to look as well for help on the ways YOU KNOW they may HELP you.
I have faith!
This way, I thought it will never ever be possible for me to get depressed. I faught with it for more than 4 black years. When did it start? Much early. The reasons are much far behind. I've touched the real whole 'black hole' somewhere, 4 years behind anyhow.
There is of no importance from that point further, but it is right as you say - sports, fitness, massage ... something, anything, even if seldom - YOU have to do something for yourself!
You just sit in a cave! I know it! Lucky me I have children. I had to do a lot of things cause of them. Especially to get out in the nature, between people, etc.
Look for an 'imaginary friend' !?!
I have my faith.
Yes, it's no shame, no lunacy. You need to talk to someone, to love someone, to believe in something GOOD and THE SAME you shall have back!!!
Help someone in real life, and you shall be saved by someone else!