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Pregnancy made me quit smoking Not rated yet
I have quit for just over a year now. This is how I did it...
I got pregnant and that was all I needed to quit smoking. It made me sick to even think …
Just Do It Not rated yet
I tried to quit every day for almost three years. I knew I really wanted to quit but just couldn't find the strength to do it.
For some it's an oral …
I Thought I was Going To Die! Not rated yet
I stopped drinking on September 1st 1999
Filled with my new found confidence of being able to do anything i gave up smoking as a new year resolution …
I Sure Have Quit Smoking! Not rated yet
I sure have quit smoking, for about a month and a half now. The cool thing is I didnt really even mean to quit...I had a cold and my 4 year old had a …
Quit Smoking Cold Turkey Not rated yet
I quit smoking cold turkey.I smoked 1 pack a day for 20 years. It's hard but you can do it.
I made my mind up on day, I want to take care of myself. …
Why Quit smoking? Not rated yet
You have more than likely heard how smoking can be harmful to your health and those around you. Here are some of the benefits to quitting.
-Prolong …
You Just Have To Want To Not rated yet
To me, it just depends on whether or not you really want to. I know a few people who don't seem as though they truly want to stop.
I feel it's purely …
I Stopped with Champix Not rated yet
I stopped smoking with the aid of Champix (Chantix) I only took for 4 weeks to get me through the initial difficulties. It worked for me and my mother …
Don't Buy Them Not rated yet
Don't buy or borrow them, don't light one, and don't inhale one. How you do those things differ for everyone. Some can just do that others substitute smoking …
Don't Smoke Automatically Not rated yet
Pick the ideas that make sense to you. And then follow through - you'll have a much better chance of success.
Cold Turkey Not rated yet
The Hardest and fastest way is just Cold Turkey. But probably also the most effective. Or just chop the number of cigarettes per day in half and replace …
Chocolate Milk works Not rated yet
I have been successfully without tobacco for about 7 years now. Some of the things that I found to help me were chocolate milk of all things. …
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